Relief for replacement domestic items - AccounTax Zone

Relief for replacement domestic items

Landlords letting residential property are not entitled to a deduction for the cost of the domestic items that they provide in the property. They are …

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HMRC revise stance on replacement boilers - AccounTax Zone

HMRC revise stance on replacement boilers

In 2023, HMRC wrote to some taxpayers with property income asking them to check that the information provided in the property pages of their 2021/22 …

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Post-cessation expenses – When and how are they allowable? - AccounTax Zone

Post-cessation expenses – When and how are they allowable?                    

When an unincorporated business stops trading, accounts are prepared to the date of cessation. Where a limited company ceases trading, it is either registered as …

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HMRC informers – How important are they in reducing the 'tax gap'? - AccounTax Zone

HMRC informers – How important are they in reducing the ‘tax gap’?

The ‘tax gap’ is a phrase that has been around for almost twenty years and refers to the difference between HMRC’s expected tax revenue and …

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Partnerships – Cessation on death of a partner - AccounTax Zone

Partnerships – Cessation on death of a partner

Partnerships exist in either ordinary format or as limited liability partnerships (LLP). An ordinary partnership is legally defined by the Partnership Act 1890 and is …

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Taxation of company cars in 2024/25 - AccounTax Zone

Taxation of company cars in 2024/25

A taxable benefit arises where an employee has the private use of a company car. Unless the car is an electric car, a further benefit …

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VAT records – What do you need to keep? - AccounTax Zone

VAT records – What do you need to keep?

If you are registered for VAT, you will need to keep normal business records. The records must be complete, up to date and sufficient to …

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New VAT thresholds – When must you register and when can you deregister? - AccounTax Zone

New VAT thresholds – When must you register and when can you deregister?

The VAT registration threshold rose from £85,000 to £90,000 from 1 April 2024. The deregistration threshold increased from £83,000 to £88,000 from the same date. …

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Small earnings from self-employment – Tax and National Insurance implications - AccounTax Zone

Small earnings from self-employment – Tax and National Insurance implications

Many people earn small amounts of money from self-employment, often as a side hustle. For example, this may be from craft or baking activities, tuition …

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Extracting profits in 2024/25 - AccounTax Zone

Extracting profits in 2024/25

If you run your business as a personal or family company, you will need to extract your profits in order to use them personally outside …

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Business rates for 2024/25 and changes to empty property relief - AccounTax Zone

Business rates for 2024/25 and changes to empty property relief

Business rates, rather than council tax, are payable on non-domestic properties. The rates are worked out by applying the relevant multiplier to the property’s rateable …

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End of multiple dwellings relief for SDLT - AccounTax Zone

End of multiple dwellings relief for SDLT

As announced at the time of the Spring Budget, multiple dwellings relief for stamp duty land tax (SDLT) is to be abolished from 1 June …

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