Register to payroll benefits in kind - AccounTax Zone

Register to payroll benefits in kind

Employers can opt to deal with taxable benefits in kind through the payroll (known as ‘payrolling’) rather than reporting them to HMRC after the end …

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Relevant motoring expenditure and NIC – Are you due a refund? - AccounTax Zone

Relevant motoring expenditure and NIC – Are you due a refund?

For tax purposes, where an employee uses their own car for work, mileage allowances can be paid tax-free up to the approved amount, which is …

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Making pension contributions before 6 April 2024 - AccounTax Zone

Making pension contributions before 6 April 2024

As the end of the tax year approaches, it is prudent to review your pension contributions for the year and consider whether it is worth …

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Extracting further profits in 2023/24 - AccounTax Zone

Extracting further profits in 2023/24

As the end of the tax year approaches, it is prudent for those operating their business as a personal or family company to review the …

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Capital gains tax year-end planning - AccounTax Zone

Capital gains tax year-end planning

No one wants to pay more tax than they need to and, where possible, disposals should be timed to ensure that the best result is …

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Have you used your 2023/24 dividend allowance - AccounTax Zone

Have you used your 2023/24 dividend allowance?

As we move into the final months of the 2023/24 tax year, it is time to give some thought to whether you have used your …

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Cash basis extended - AccounTax Zone

Cash basis extended

If you are running an unincorporated business, either as a sole trader or as a partnership comprising only partners who are individuals, you can use …

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National Insurance cut for employees and directors - AccounTax Zone

National Insurance cut for employees and directors

In his November 2023 Autumn Statement, the Chancellor announced a reduction in the main primary rate of Class 1 National Insurance from 12% to 10%. …

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NIC payable by the self-employed from April 2024 - AccounTax Zone

NIC payable by the self-employed from April 2024

The self-employed have historically paid two classes of National Insurance – Class 2 and Class 4. However, this is set to change from April 2024 …

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Depreciation versus capital allowances - AccounTax Zone

Depreciation versus capital allowances

Tax and accounting rules are not identical and it is sometimes necessary to adjust the accounting profit to arrive at the profit for tax purposes. …

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Pay your employees early in December - AccounTax Zone

Reporting payment to HMRC if you pay your employees early in December

Strict reporting deadlines apply under Real Time Information (RTI). Employers are required to report employees’ pay and deductions to HMRC electronically on the Full Payment …

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Can you benefit from the marriage allowance? - AccounTax Zone

Can you benefit from the marriage allowance?

The marriage allowance is not a separate allowance as such – rather, it is a transfer of part of one spouse or civil partner’s personal …

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