Dealing with gift hold-over relief ‘nudge’ letters - AccounTax Zone

Dealing with gift hold-over relief ‘nudge’ letters

HMRC are sending one-to-many ‘nudge’ letters to taxpayers who included an invalid claim for gift hold-over relief in their 2021/22 tax return. This may be …

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Common NMW errors to avoid - AccounTax Zone

Common NMW errors to avoid

Workers are entitled to be paid the National Living Wage (NLW) or Minimum Wage (NMW) for their age. Employers who fail to do this run …

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Child benefit claim - AccounTax Zone

Separating couples – Importance of checking your child benefit claim

The High-Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) is a tax charge that claws back child benefit where the claimant or his or her partner has adjusted …

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Tax and influencers - AccounTax Zone

Tax and influencers

Earlier this year, HMRC sent ‘nudge’ letters to social influencers who they suspect may not have declared the tax that they owe. They have also …

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Beware of diverting dividends to minor children to fund education - AccounTax Zone

Beware of diverting dividends to minor children to fund education

Owners of personal and family companies frequently pay themselves a small salary and extract further profits as dividends. To utilise the unused personal and dividend …

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Relief for post-cessation expenses - AccounTax Zone

Relief for post-cessation expenses

The end of a business will not necessarily mean that no further expenses are incurred. Where expenses are incurred after the business has ceased, tax …

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No corporation tax to pay - AccounTax Zone

Telling HMRC that you have no corporation tax to pay

If you have a company that is dormant and you have filed your company tax return showing that no tax is due, you may think …

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Key person insurance - AccounTax Zone

Key person insurance – When can you claim a deduction?

Premiums paid for key person insurance may be deductible in computing taxable profits. Read this article to find out what conditions must be met for a deduction to be forthcoming.

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Mixed-use properties and SDLT

For stamp duty land tax (SDLT) purposes, a property may be a residential property, a non-residential property or a mixed-use property. The classification is important …

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House with Garden

Selling the garden for development

If you own a large plot of land that you no longer require but you don’t want to move home, you may consider selling some …

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Tax implications of termination payments

The number of businesses closing down is steadily increasing. Many of those businesses will have staff, therefore the legal and tax position of any termination …

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Hotel Room

CGT advantages of furnished holiday lettings

Furnished holiday lettings (FHLs) have a number of tax advantages over residential lets. These advantages include the opportunity to benefit from a number of capital gains tax reliefs.

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